Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the moms who read this, and perhaps to all of those who are just plain maternal.  If you're not a mom, I hope you've said Happy Mother's Day to your own, if you can.  If you're not able, like I'm not, try and think of the happy times with her, and wish her one anyway, like I did.  Hopefully she can hear you; if she can't, you'll feel better anyway.

Please feel free to leave a quick comment about the best part of your day today, mom or not.


  1. I always enjoy talking to my mother and yesterday was no exception. I am extremely grateful to still have that opportunity. I'm not a mom myself nor am I maternal, but I'm a great supporter of Mother's Day. None of us would exist without our moms and it's a day to be honored.

  2. Very true. You never know what you've got until it's gone.
